Metaphysical Healing
Most people feel relief after just one treatment.
Additional treatments may be required,
depending on severity of ailment,
and receptivity of client.
Metaphysical Healing works beyond the physical
body to effect healing through the physical body.
As a Metaphysical Healer
I consciously align with the assistance
from the realm of spirit. I work with the
Healing Angels, Ascended Masters,
Beings of Light, Our Spirit Guides and Guardians
through the different levels and layers of consciousness, the Subtle Bodies, and Chakra System with the goal of uncovering and removing the root source of disease as well as the symptoms.
There is so much that we can be free of,
now is the time to lighten our loads.
Beyond my inherent gifts,
the Form of Metaphysical Healing
that I have been well trained in is called
Pranic Healing is a gentle, no touch,
powerful yet gentle energy healing modality developed by
Pranic Healing utilizes clean fresh Prana or Chi naturally generated by the Earth, Air, and Sun, as well as Divine Heavenly Prana to balance, harmonize, and transform the body’s energetic,
emotional, and physical processes.
Prana is the life force energy that is
essential for the human body to survive.
Pranic Healing is based on the principal
that by applying this energy or Prana
in specific ways, the natural healing
process of the body is accelerated.
Pranic Healers work to correct
imbalances and remove impurities and
trauma from the chakra system, as well
as from the subtle bodies to eliminate
physical and psychological dis-ease.
The beauty of Pranic Healing,
is that there is no imbalance
or ailment that can not be alleviated.
Illnesses manifest for many reasons:
* Being excessively negative/ surrounding oneself with excessively negative people.
* Inhabiting environments that are quite negative, and or are energetically unclean.
* Not practicing basic levels of energetic hygiene.
Illnesses manifest in the outer/subtle bodies first,
and make their way inward toward the physical
body. This means that an illness that you
have just started to experience physically
may have been in your aura for
quite some time.
There are many ways to keep an optimal
level of physical health, and one is the
proper maintenance of
Energetic Hygiene.
Practicing Energetic Hygiene helps to
prevent debris and congestion from
contaminating the subtle bodies,
and removes them before they can
make their way into the
physical body.
Meditation, or going within, regularly
also assists in keeping your bodies strong.
Observing and training the mind away
from negative thought habits is
another way to avoid
ill health.