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Mercury is in Aries now!

Our communications and minds are glowing with youthful vigor. We have mentally moved out of the deep and vague emotional realms of the spiritual womb that is Pisces, and into the bright Vibrancy of Aries. We are mentally quicker, impulsive and there is a potential for outbursts if one is of a tempremental nature. We become susceptible to flashes of anger, impatience, and a “look before you leap” mentality. We must be sure to keep an inner eye on what our minds are doing.

Mercury in Aries

Mercury in Taurus

Mercury in Gemini

Mercury in Cancer

Mercury in Leo

Mercury in Virgo


Mercury is in Taurus
Our logical minds and communication have moved into the physically focused realms. We are more appreciative of sensuality and pleasure. Resist the urge to be mentally inflexible, remember that there is much to learn from others. A good time to become more aware of negative mental thought habits and to solidify a new way of perceiving the world around us with beauty and appreciation. The patience available now will help with the assimilation of new knowledge and with communication in general. We are more sensible and practical at this time. As this is an Earthy sign, anything you can do to clean up Mother Earth will be favorable.

Communication blesses us with the ability to express our inner worlds to the external, and to relate the external world into the internal. It allows us to greatly express what makes us different and what makes us similar, and to share our knowledge and information. Take the time to discover who you are, what makes you the unique individual that you are.


Mercury in Libra

Mercury in Scorpio

Mercury in Sagittarius

Mercury is in Gemini now!


We are more communicative at this time and more social as well. Mercury naturally rules Gemini and so our minds are expressed with greater ease. We communicate our inner worlds to the outer, and the outer world comes through clearly. We are curious and hunger to learn and to challenge what we know. This is a good time to learn about things that pique our interests. Share your mind and your sparkle.

Mercury in Capricorn

Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury in Pisces

Mercury in Cancer
Mercury governs our communication skills, our logical minds and the ways in which the outer world is processed into the inner world and the inner to the outer.
These processes will be influenced in emotional and intuitive ways. Our intellect and our sensitivities become as one. Our behaviors are influenced by the atmospheres we find ourselves in, and by the emotions brought up as we interact with other people. We will assimilate through feelings and images. We must be more selective with whom we associate with and the relations we form. It is most beneficial to practice non judgement, loving kindness, and non injury through the sensitivity of our communications.

Mercury is now in Leo
Mercury governs short journeys, our communication skills, our logical minds, and the ways in which we relate to the external world.
As Mercury is now in Leo, these areas will be influenced in ways that allow the self to shine through and be seen. Our Logical minds will tend to be more controlling and we may feel the need to explain complex situations. As Leo is in correlation with the self/ego our communications may be blunt and self focused.
Communication blesses us with the ability to determine the character of those with whom we interact, what makes us different and what makes us similar, and to share our knowledge and information.
Take the time to discover who you are, what makes you the unique individual that you are. What type of communication is your strength? Speaking to groups? The written word? Song? Dance?
At this time we are sensitive to power struggles. It is most beneficial to practice loving kindness and non injury through patiently and objectively bringing our awareness to what others are trying to communicate to us.


Mercury is in Virgo

Mercury is Exalted in Virgo and so is Best able to express its highest potential! Mercury governs the mind and the ways in which we relate to, and perceive the external world. As Mercury is now in Virgo, communication becomes modest, discreet, and balanced. Be sure to be aware of the limits of your knowledge and contacts in order to make the most of what you have. Our minds begin to crave organization. The quality of relationships values high at this time. During this transit we are more analytical and critical. Anxiety may become intense as we realize that every detail of an interaction has its influence upon all involved. Be careful not to become overwhelmed by trivial details. Communication blesses us with the ability to determine the character of those with whom we interact, what makes us different and what makes us similar, and to share our knowledge and information. Take the time to discover who you are, what makes you the unique individual that you are.

During this time we long for intellectual equality and mental affinity with others. Any inherent charm, civility, and diplomatic abilities get a boost.
We are able to relate with greater ease to others and their points of view. We are more social and enjoy creating harmonious and pleasant conversations.
We can be more initiating of ideas, and our abstract thinking ability leads to objective and balanced view points and opinions.
We become more discerning, critical, and aware of the subtle nuances that create or destroy harmony.
Communication blesses us with the ability to determine the character of those with whom we interact, what makes us different, what makes us similar, and to share our knowledge and information. Take the time to discover who you are, what makes you the unique individual that you are.



Mercury is in Scorpio!

During this time our logical minds wrap around mystery, controversy, and secrecy, we long for answers to the questions we may be afraid to ask. This is a great time for deep personal transformation. We question the basis of our knowledge and need to understand hidden meanings, as well as what is under the surface. We may become provocative and wish to understand those around us in new ways. Our communications are passionate and deep.

Communication blesses us with the ability to determine the character of those with whom we interact, what makes us different and what makes us similar, and to share our knowledge and information. Take the time to discover who you are, what makes you the unique individual that you are.


Mercury is in Sagittarius.

Our minds and their processes, including communication, move out of the depths of raw emotional transformation. They have been busy probing and investigating, achieving greater awareness. Now Mercury is in the joyful, philosophical, and optimistic realms of the limitless possibilities that is Sagittarius. We set our minds on our dreams and goals now and the joy of the holiday season begins to set in. Let us all share our cheer to brighten up our homes, and community.

Mercury is in Capricorn!

Our minds and their processes, including communication, become more serious and oriented toward business and how we are seen by society. The material world and how we fit into it are the focus. There is a chance of pessimism becoming all pervasive in the areas ruled by Mercury; however this can be perceived instead as realism, and the effort to improve one’s situation can be applied.


Mercury is in Aquarius!

 Our minds and their processes, including communication, become more sensitive toward what needs to change in society as well as social inequities. We are more aware of the struggle between the need to stay the same, firm in our foundations, and the need to break free of stagnancy and evolve, rebel, and revolt against that which holds humanity to suffering. We are more eccentric in our thinking and communications and more detached as well.

Mercury is in Pisces!

 Our minds and their processes, become more diffuse and diluted as we traverse the vast and deep watery realms of intuition; 10,000 leagues away from the logical. We are far from detail oriented and become quiter and more introverted. We take solace from the harshness of reality by escaping into fantasy and potentially substance miss-use. Our minds are more changeable at this time and so we are more easily manipulated. Communication can be muddled and blurry so be clear, and realize that the other person does not know what you are trying to say.

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